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Motores Micro Híbridos e Híbridos

Design Optimization and Launch of a 3“ Diameter N2O/Aluminized Paraffin Rocket, stanford University.

DAGA_MECH_FA_01 Microhybrid Rocket - Descripción y Diseño.

Analysis and testing of similarity and scale e!ects in hybrid rocket motors, Rajeshwar Dayal Swami, Alon Gany - Instituto de Tecnología de Haifa - Israel.

Hybrid rocket engines: The benefits and prospects, N.A. Davydenko, R.G. Gollender, A.M. Gubertov, V.V. Mironov, N.N. Volkov - Moscow FSUE “Keldysh Research Center”, Russia.

Optimum design of fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical skirts for solid rocket cases subjected to buckling and verstressing constraints, Cho-Chung Lianga,*, Hung-Wen Chenb, a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Da-Yeh University, 112. Shan-Jiau Rd., Da-Tsuen, Changhua 515, Taiwan, ROC - bInstitute of System Engineering, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Ta-Shi, Tao-Yuan 335, Taiwan, ROC

Performance comparison between two different injector configurations in a hybrid rocket, C. Carmicino, A. Russo Sorge - University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Space Science and Engineering “L.G. Napolitano”, P. le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy.

The Starting Transient in a Gas-Generator Hybrid Rocket Motor Alexander Osherov and Benveniste Natan, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion ± Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000 (Israel).

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